Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Several years ago before we moved from Bainbridge Island, black feathers appeared in my path too often to be a coincidence. I was going through some dark times at work with difficult decisions to make. I left my job, we moved away from the island, and the feathers stopped showing up.

Last week a friend wrote on her blog about finding feathers in her garden. This morning during my walk on Mt. Tabor a small brown striped feather with an orange spine left by a Norther Flicker caught my eye. On the way back home, seagull feathers blew across the walkway.

Feathers are thought to be symbols of a spiritual path and a sign of encouragement along the way. They could be a message to lighten up, to not take things too seriously, to look for joy.

I've been feathered at just the right moment.

1 comment:

  1. ooooh thank you for this post. I literally got goose flesh (chickenskin in the language of locals here) at the coincidence of both of us experiencing the same thing, and following the spiritual encouragement symbolism. I absolutely love and treasure my Northern Flickr feathers, gifts in my path in my early years in the USA when I walked long paths through the woods, carrying homesickness and loneliness heavily. The whole palette but especially the salmon pink on the spines is such a beautiful colour. The blue-greys and whites of gulls are also very lovely. Those colours speak to me of peace. Serenity to you and your family, dear ML: knowing you enriches my life!
