Then half way through, DottieMae's klutzy toe (even the sensible shoes didn't help) caught on a large stone and the whole right side of my body became intimate with the rocky ground. Ah ha! I suddenly knew why most people we passed used the paved bike lane through this part of the course. A goose egg quickly formed on my head and shoulder as Gary helped me limp home.
Now that a few days have dimmed the experience, I've been kidding Gary about how photos of the injuries combined with numerous bumps, bruises and scratches from moving would make a good case in court for wife abuse. The whole side of my body is a rather spectacular combination of green and purple.
Our second jogging experience a couple of days ago went much better except for falling a half mile behind Gary as I cautiously picked my way through the course. Thank fully DottieMae slept in that morning.
Be careful!