Thursday, November 21, 2013

Autumn Morning Thankfulness

I give thanks for creation. The night frosted landscape tinted amber by early morning sun, fire colored leaves edged with ice crystals, bird song, frozen puddles, trees mirrored in historic reservoirs, and the waning moon in soft blue morning sky.

I give thanks for love in my life. A husband who wraps me in the warmth of his affection and friendship. Grown children living life to the fullest. Family and friends willing to offer support and a good laugh when I need one.

I give thanks for the blessings of my garden. Pumpkins and squash and corn and beans and tomatoes that feed my body. Colors and textures and scents and sounds that fill my soul.

I give thanks for health. Nimble feet that take me out into the world; eyes to bring in the beauty of nature; ears to hear the music of life; breath to sustain me; mind and heart to challenge me.

I give thanks for this and every day.

Just to be is a blessing,
Just to live is holy.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

1 comment:

  1. Just this morning I felt a rush of awe at the goodness of my life. A hint of surprise was moved aside by the confidence that yes, I deserve a good life. We all do.
